Wolseley Hornet Special, 1937

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The Wolseley Hornet Special was produced between 1932 and 1934. The standard Hornet versions were already in production from the year 1930. The Wolseley Hornet was designed upon a modified Morris Minor chassis.
The Hornet Special was equipped with a 1271 cc. six-cylinder
in-line engine. The straight-six that powered the Hornet Special was a modified and tuned Hornet engine. The engine was equipped with two S.U. carburettors, high compression pistons and duplex valve-coil springs (to cope with the higher maximum engine speed). The Hornet Special engine produced 47 bhp. giving the car a top speed of approximately 80 mph. Additionally the Special was equipped with a stronger front axle and larger drum brakes; the Special was equipped with 12" drum brakes all round.

Technical data

six-cylinder engine
cylinder capacity: 1271 cc.
capacity: 47 bhp.
top-speed: approx. 130 km/h - 80 mp/h.
gearbox: 3- speed manual

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